Serving Clients With Resolve And Respect

Seek Skilled Consultation For Administrative Hearings

Sometimes people encounter a situation in which it is difficult to determine if hiring legal counsel is necessary. If you think something you are facing may require guidance from an experienced attorney, particularly if the outcome impacts your livelihood, it’s best to contact one to at least discuss whether that is true. If you do not act on your feelings, you may find yourself in a dangerous situation and with no time to correct your mistake.

I am attorney Jacklyn Bentley, and I handle cases such as administrative hearings for purposes of employment and licenses. It is important that you have an attorney, as the administrative body almost certainly will. Recently, I represented individuals seeking to maintain their nursing licenses, day care licenses and even real estate licenses and secured positive resolutions for them.

State, City And County Hearings

When a criminal matter or other legal issue threatens a license that you hold, it is essential that you consult a lawyer instead of attempting to handle the matter on your own. A knowledgeable attorney can advise you of your rights and options for dealing with the issue. I confidently provide representation to clients who are facing the possibility that they will need to appear in a wide variety of hearings through the city, county and state, such as:

  • Professional licensing
  • Social Security hearings
  • Employment hearings
  • Insurance licensing hearings

I can help you pursue the ideal outcome for your legal needs in a timely and efficient manner. My experience can quickly become your advantage in your defense needs.

Do Not Take Risks With Your Future

Though I focus my practice on handling matters in the San Jose and Silicon Valley areas, I travel throughout California for clients when necessary. Contact me today if you want to learn how I can help you in your situation. Call 408-333-9192 or use my online contact form.